Model photoshoot with Indica Snow

*Contains Nudity. Read on if you're ok with that.

I found Indica Snow (Elin) through her Purpleport profile (other model/photography/mua/stylist sites are available). Me and Marion love to collaborate with models who want creative input and Indica fit the bill. Her profile said:

"I'm very creative and love all things nature, vintage, makeup and glitter, and I love doing shoots where both myself and the photographer have an opportunity to get creative and make something we are both really proud of, and maybe even learn something from each other! "

That's exactly what we're looking for in our models - someone keen to get creative and contribute ideas to get those great shots.

Indica's stated levels were up to nude photography, so I suggested doing a liquid latex shoot, as it was something we'd never tried before, and Indica was up for it straight away.

Warm ups and wigs

My experience of shooting with new models, is that it often takes a while for all parties to relax in each others' company, so the photographs tend to get better as the shoot progresses and the model relaxes. For this reason we started with a few setups involving a sheet of sheer fabric, with experimental backlighting (including some coloured gels). Elin had brought some wigs that she uses to transform to Indica Snow, so we shot with them to start with.

Indica Snow model photography in studio

Liquid Latex

Indica was most patient as we experimented with application of the latex - and very brave at the end of the shoot as she had to remove it… think ripping off a plaster, but one that covers a large area of your body. Ouch!

ripping off liquid latex

The Technical Bit

We bought the liquid latex online having done a bit of research first. Essentially, it is just rubber, in liquid form which dries really quickly on contact with air. So for instance you can dip your hand into it, and it soon dries to form a solid rubber 'glove'. There are many brands available online.

As this was the first time Marion had ever worked with the latex, we tried various techniques of brushing, or dipping. The dipping worked best as it meant no brush marks, but this was not suitable for all areas. Pouring worked too and gave a nice drip effect as the liquid ran briefly before solidifying.

We shot at the Webber Photo Studio using a selection of 400W Strobes (with various modifiers), with a Nikon D600.

Post Processing

I had my first darkroom at 13 years old, and the pleasure of seeing your photos appear as if by magic from the white sheet of paper was immense and addictive. These days though, I don't have a darkroom, but still get the same pleasures out of post processing in Adobe Lightroom. Some photographers cling to a 'it must be all done in camera' mantra, but that's not for me. I use all the tools at my disposal (mainly Lightroom and Photoshop) to enhance, collage, bend, twist and cajole my initial photographs into the final work. I usually have an idea of what I want from the post production before shooting, but am equally happy to go on a photoshopic ramble and see where that takes me.

Duotone poster


The Gallery

Take a look at some of the best photos from the shoot: