Blog Ffotograffiaeth
Fel y rhan fwyaf o ffotograffwyr, os nad oes unrhyw beth y mae pobl dda De Cymru am dalu i mi ei saethu, yna rwy'n saethu beth bynnag. Mae yna brosiect ffotograffig personol ar y gweill bob amser, a dyma lle byddwch chi'n dod o hyd i'm gwaith ffotograffig mwy personol, hunangyfeiriedig.
Bydd rhywfaint o hyn yn (neu wedi) gorffen yn yr arddangosfa, tra bod lluniau eraill yn cyrraedd cyn belled ag albwm lluniau teulu. Y naill ffordd neu'r llall, mae'r cyfan yn arfer, ac mae hynny o fudd i'm cleientiaid ffotograffig.
Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol - Llyfrgell Ysgol Oakfield Community
Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol, mewn partneriaeth â Chase Bank, wedi darparu llyfrgell newydd sbon ar gyfer disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Oakfield yn Llaneirwg, Caerdydd.
Cynhadledd WAHWN
Cynhaliodd WAHWN – Rhwydwaith Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd a Lles Cymru – eu cynhadledd fawr gyntaf yn Sefydliad Lysaughts yng Nghasnewydd yn hydref 2023, a chomisiynwyd fi i dynnu llun o’r digwyddiad.
Portreadau: Newport City Radio
Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.
Harding Evans Portraits
Harding Evans is a large solicitor's firm in Newport and Cardiff with about 90 staff members, and they requested a portrait shoot for their website.
Ffotoshoot Banc Lloegr
Trefnodd tîm Allgymorth Banc Lloegr ddiwrnod o ddigwyddiadau yn 3 Ysgol Casnewydd, a chefais fy nghomisiynu i saethu’r gweithgareddau.
FFotograffiaeth ffasiwn gyda Lara
Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!
Arddangosfa @ Y Cwtsh
Rwy'n falch iawn o fod wedi cael cais i arddangos fy ngwaith llun portread Cymry O Bob Man / Welsh From Everywhere yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Cwtsh.
Portreadau Actor gydag Elliott
Mae Elliott yn actor ifanc uchelgeisiol ac yn hyfforddi i fod yn stuntman. Roedd angen rhywfaint o gyhoeddusrwydd arno a daeth i alw.
People's Health Trust Shoot
Another great photoshoot for the People's Health Trust — this time with the lovely Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group.
Interview with PhD photography student Eve Ruet
I spent an interesting an enjoyable afternoon this week being interviewed by a PhD student about my Photographic work.
Lecture at Coleg Gwent Ebbw Vale
This week I delivered a two hour session to A Level Photography students at Coleg Gwent's Ebbw Vale Campus
Studio Lighting Masterclasses
I just spent a week at Coleg Gwent teaching 5 full day Studio Lighting Masterclasses.
Ffotogallery: Diffusion 2021
Diffusion is the Welsh International Festival of Photography, and I was invited to both exhibit legacy work, plus was commissioned to shoot some new photos.
Portfolio Shoot with Queenie May
Queenie May has just started modelling so we hooked up to collaborate on getting her portfolio started.
Festival Faces
I set up a free-for-all portraiture studio at Maindee Festival and got some great photos.
Newport-portraits… Newportraits (see what I did there!). A collection of portraits taken over a couple of days at the Big Splash event in the Riverfront, almost 10 years ago.
Welsh From Everywhere Ffotogallery Commission
In August 2021 I was commissioned by Ffotogallery to set up a pop-up portraiture studio at the Phyllis Maud Theatre in Pillgwenlly, Newport.
Photoramble: Paper fold abstract
Yet another wet Winter weekend in lockdown, and another photography itch-scratcher. What can you do with a scrap of paper and a mobile phone?
The Bastard Executioner at Marigold Costumes
Short lived historical drama 'The Bastard Executioner' sold its stock to Marigold Costumes in Cardiff, and I was brought in to photograph the lot.
Photoramble: Shell Shots
Another wet lockdown Sunday photoramble - this time, shooting seashells.
Travel Photography: Morocco Madness
Morocco is a stunning country, but taking photos in Marrakesh almost ended up with me in hospital, or worse…
Model photoshoot with Indica Snow
I'd wanted to try shooting with liquid latex, and Indica Snow was up for the challenge (and the discomfort of ripping it off afterwards). ** Contains Nudity **
Cymry o Bob Man / Welsh From Everywhere
In 2019 I started a new project called 'Cymry o Bob Man / Welsh from Everywhere', a photographic investigation into the ethnic diversity of Newport.
Astrophotography in Eryri/Snowdonia
I love astronomy and all things space, but living in a city means light pollution and few stars... time to head to a dark skies region.
Photo-synthesis: Shooting Plants
During lockdown with little client work, I set myself some mini photographic projects to scratch my photo itch. As plants love light as much as photographers, I started there.