Ffotograffydd Masnachol Casnewydd
Webber Photo yw fi, Rhys Webber (a chynorthwywyr lle bo angen), ac rydw i'n Ffotograffydd o Gasnewydd, yn cynnig ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, ffotograffiaeth fasnachol, ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol, portreadau, ffotograffiaeth teithio a ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn o fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, De Cymru. Mae gen i hefyd stiwdio ffotograffiaeth gludadwy sy'n fy ngalluogi i saethu yn eich man busnes os oes angen. Rwy’n cynnig Gwasanaethau Ffotograffiaeth yng Nghasnewydd, ond hefyd Ffotograffiaeth Casnewydd – fy ngwaith ffotograffiaeth personol, sy’n ymwneud â dogfennu amrywiaeth pobl Casnewydd drwy bortreadau ffotograffig. Wrth gwrs, nid yw bod yn Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn fy nghlymu i â'r ddinas, gyda chleientiaid o bob rhan o'r DU a thu hwnt.
Ffotograffiaeth yw fy angerdd ac rwy'n ffodus bod pobl yn talu i mi wneud yr hyn rwy'n ei garu - bod yn ffotograffydd! Rwyf hefyd yn tynnu lluniau er pleser personol pan nad wyf yn cael fy nhalu - yn arddangos fy ngwaith personol ac yn gweithio ar brosiectau ar raddfa fawr fel Cymry O Bobman. Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac wedi cyflwyno sesiynau i fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, a Choleg Gwent.
Edrychwch ar yr ystod o wasanaethau ffotograffiaeth rydw i'n eu cynnig isod, yna cysylltwch i weld beth allaf ei wneud i chi neu cliciwch yma i ddarllen mwy amdanaf.
Ffotograffiaeth Portread
Angen portread ohonoch chi'ch hun, neu luniau o'ch tîm gwaith? Dw i wedi saethu miloedd o bortreadau… cymerwch olwg.
Headshots Corfforaethol
A yw eich gwefan wych yn cael ei siomi gan ergydion corfforaethol is-safonol? Rwyf wedi saethu cannoedd lawer o'r rhain, naill ai yn fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, neu ar safle cleientiaid gyda'm stiwdio cludadwy.
Ffotograffiaeth a fideo drôn
Codwch eich adrodd straeon gweledol gyda'n gwasanaethau fideo a ffotograffiaeth drôn proffesiynol.
Ffotograffiaeth Digwyddiadau
Mae ein ffotograffiaeth digwyddiad yn cael y lluniau sydd eu hangen arnoch o'ch digwyddiad corfforaethol neu greadigol.
Ffotograffiaeth Cynnyrch
Cymerwch olwg ar ein ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, gan helpu ein cleientiaid i farchnata eu cynnyrch ar wefannau ac mewn catalogau.
Ffotograffiaeth Diwydianol
Mae ein cleientiaid ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol yn cynnwys TATA Steel, BAE Systems, Welsh Power, Ensinger Plastics a llawer mwy.
Ffotograffiaeth Ffasiwn
Oes angen ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn neu harddwch arnoch chi ar gyfer eich brand, neu a ydych chi'n fodel uchelgeisiol sy'n chwilio am luniau portffolio gwych?
Cymry o Bob Man
Cymry o Bob Man yw fy mhrosiect portreadu lluniau personol, a ddechreuais dros 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae'r prosiect yn ymchwilio i amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Casnewydd yn yr 21ain Ganrif.
Cleientiaid Ffotograffiaeth
Rwyf wedi bod yn ffotograffydd masnachol ers blynyddoedd lawer, yn gyntaf yng Nghasnewydd, yna Llundain ac yna yn ôl i Gasnewydd. Rwyf wedi cael gormod o gleientiaid ffotograffiaeth i'w crybwyll, ond dyma rai.

Blog Ffotograffydd Casnewydd
Nid fy mhroffesiwn yn unig yw bod yn ffotograffydd, ond fy hobi hefyd. Mae blog Fy Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o waith a gomisiynir gan gleientiaid, gwaith hunangyfeiriedig, gwaith addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac arddangosfeydd. Cymerwch olwg!
The Bastard Executioner at Marigold Costumes
Short lived historical drama 'The Bastard Executioner' sold its stock to Marigold Costumes in Cardiff, and I was brought in to photograph the lot.
Photoramble: Shell Shots
Another wet lockdown Sunday photoramble - this time, shooting seashells.
Travel Photography: Morocco Madness
Morocco is a stunning country, but taking photos in Marrakesh almost ended up with me in hospital, or worse…
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.title (string) = The Bastard Executioner at Marigold Costumes
.content (string) =The Bastard Executioner was a US production which only lasted one season. Set in Wales the story followed the real-life story of Welsh revolt of 1294 led by Madog ap Llywelyn against English Rule. In the same vein as Game of Thrones the series spent a big chunk of budget on costumes for the Royals, soldiers, priesthood, servants, and of course - the Executioner himself (Gawain!). Read about it on wikipedia.
I've been working with Marigold Costumes in Cardiff for a number of years, and when Dawn was offered the chance to purchase the costumes, she jumped at it, then gave me a call.
The Photoshoot
Technically this was a product photoshoot - the photos were required for Marigold Costumes marketing materials to promote the range of historical costumes available. However, rather than just shoot on mannequins, we both felt that the best solution would be to hire a couple of models to wear the range. When I say 'the range', Marigold actually bought 2000 items from the show. Some were multiples - for instance a dozen cavalry, two dozen knights etc - so Dawn chose the best costumes to represent the wealth and breadth of the costumes in the range.
So I found a couple of great models - Jamie Ray and Rohan - on Purpleport, and organised the photoshoot. We shot with a portable studio at Pinewood Studios in Cardiff. We shot mainly full length outfits - combinations of pieces styled by Dawn - with additional close ups of the detailing on some of the stunning costumes.
As well as the standard white background shots whose main function was to show the clothes clearly, I also created a few more styled works to also use in marketing materials.
The super talented costume designer Dawn Mondo Thomas was on hand throughout the shoot to help dress and style the models, and we all have great fun on this photoshoot - so I've included a few behind-the-scenes photos in the gallery.
.summary (string) =Short lived historical drama 'The Bastard Executioner' sold its stock to Marigold Costumes in Cardiff, and I was brought in to photograph the lot.
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.title (string) = Photoramble: Shell Shots
.content (string) =A wet weekend in lockdown with the rest of the family busy doing their own things, so I went in search of something to photograph in the house and found a big glass jar of seashells in the bathroom.
I like beaches, but like to be active, so in between bouts of swimming, frisbee etc I like to wander off looking for shells, stones and other beach bounty. The variety of shapes and colours haev always fascinated me, so what better way to spend a couple of hours than take some photos of my shell collection.
The Technical Bit
As most of the shells were white, or light colours, I decided to use a black backdrop to provide some great contrast- adding a sheet of glass on top to provide reflections.
I shot with continuous lights, with Nikon D600 on a tripod, with shutter release. Some of these shells are pretty small so I used my Tokina Macro 100mm lens.
To get all of each shell in focus with macro would've required stacking a bunch of shots for each, but I like the short depth of field provided, so just took single shots of each shell.
{Gallery dir='Personal-Projects/Shell-Shots'}
.summary (string) =Another wet lockdown Sunday photoramble - this time, shooting seashells.
.postdate (string) = 2021-07-06 16:58:00
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.title (string) = Travel Photography: Morocco Madness
.content (string) =A few years back me and my wife took a week's holiday (without the kids - thanks mum!) to Marrakesh. It is a stunning city, but from day one I felt hassled, and stressed, and my photography was probably to blame, or at least a contributing factor.
When we go on city breaks, we love to just pound the pavement, soaking up the sights and sounds of the place, and of course, taking loads of photographs. We've done this in loads of towns and cities worldwide without little bother, but sadly Marrakesh was different. Ok, so I I have had confrontations with the odd junior police officer who didn't know the law on photography in a public space, and also been 'escorted' by British Transport Police off Stanstead Airport whilst on a job, but I've always felt safe as a photographer… until Marrakesh.
In retrospect, taking my Nikon DSLR with big telephoto lens (28-300mm) was a bit like hanging a sign around my neck saying 'wealthy foreigner - hassle me'. From the moment we hit the World Heritage Site of Jemaa el-Fna Square in the old town, I was pounced upon by a rogue's gallery of locals demanding money for photos. The first guy draped a snake around my neck (from behind), grabbed my camera, took a shot, then demand money for the privilege, then when I gave him some change became a magnet for (among others) the guy with the eagle, the guy with the depressed looking monkey, and more snake guys. Escaping took quite some work. Already I hated Marrakesh, and worse was to come.
I was taking photos of the walls of the old town from a vantage point across 6 lanes of highway, when I saw a local on a bench wearing the hooded Jebba, and my photographers brain thought "What a great addition to the photo of the old town walls". As I looked through the lens he stared directly back at me with a look of anger, so I quickly shifted the lens upward towards the towers of the wall. Seconds later I caught site of a young man running across the busy highway towards me. Quick as a flash he reached my side of the road, put his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a knife. No words, no threats, no communication, just instant violence. I jerked backwards as he made a slash for my neck, and I watched the knife as if in slow motion, missing me by centimetres. Then I ran like hell, and he chased me for a couple of blocks before I reached a group of local horse & cart drivers and shouted for their attention. The young guy then disappeared and the locals called the police.
A policeman on a motorbike pulled up within less than a minute and asked me to get on the back - no helmet - then proceeded to whiz through the crazy traffic at high speed looking for the culprit. We didn't find him and so the police lost interest and told me to go back to the hotel.
I never did find out what drove the guy to try to slit my throat. Did he want to steal my camera? Did he work for the cross man on the bench? Did I photograph something that I shouldn't have?
So, shaken and stirred we had the best part of a week left in Marrakesh so took the decision to get out as much as possible. This meant that we got to see the stunning Atlas Mountains, and the old hippy trail seaside town of Essaouria. I loved both these places and we met loads of friendly Moroccans to make up for the unfriendly welcome of Marrakesh.
When I got back home and reviewed the images properly for the first time, I realised that I'd caught more than one angry stare from locals down the lens of my camera. I always do due diligence before going to new places - forewarned is forearmed - but now realise that I have to be super careful as a 'rich' foreigner, in foreign lands, especially those where religious views are strongly held. Some of the locals saw my photography as rude, or out of order, and for this I'm sorry. It certainly wasn't my attention to annoy anyone, but that's a lesson learned.
I'd love to go back to Morocco, but will probably never visit Marrakesh again. I did get some cool photos though!
.summary (string) =Morocco is a stunning country, but taking photos in Marrakesh almost ended up with me in hospital, or worse…
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.author (string) = admin
.id (string) = 7
.title (string) = Travel Photography: Morocco Madness
.content (string) =A few years back me and my wife took a week's holiday (without the kids - thanks mum!) to Marrakesh. It is a stunning city, but from day one I felt hassled, and stressed, and my photography was probably to blame, or at least a contributing factor.
When we go on city breaks, we love to just pound the pavement, soaking up the sights and sounds of the place, and of course, taking loads of photographs. We've done this in loads of towns and cities worldwide without little bother, but sadly Marrakesh was different. Ok, so I I have had confrontations with the odd junior police officer who didn't know the law on photography in a public space, and also been 'escorted' by British Transport Police off Stanstead Airport whilst on a job, but I've always felt safe as a photographer… until Marrakesh.
In retrospect, taking my Nikon DSLR with big telephoto lens (28-300mm) was a bit like hanging a sign around my neck saying 'wealthy foreigner - hassle me'. From the moment we hit the World Heritage Site of Jemaa el-Fna Square in the old town, I was pounced upon by a rogue's gallery of locals demanding money for photos. The first guy draped a snake around my neck (from behind), grabbed my camera, took a shot, then demand money for the privilege, then when I gave him some change became a magnet for (among others) the guy with the eagle, the guy with the depressed looking monkey, and more snake guys. Escaping took quite some work. Already I hated Marrakesh, and worse was to come.
I was taking photos of the walls of the old town from a vantage point across 6 lanes of highway, when I saw a local on a bench wearing the hooded Jebba, and my photographers brain thought "What a great addition to the photo of the old town walls". As I looked through the lens he stared directly back at me with a look of anger, so I quickly shifted the lens upward towards the towers of the wall. Seconds later I caught site of a young man running across the busy highway towards me. Quick as a flash he reached my side of the road, put his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a knife. No words, no threats, no communication, just instant violence. I jerked backwards as he made a slash for my neck, and I watched the knife as if in slow motion, missing me by centimetres. Then I ran like hell, and he chased me for a couple of blocks before I reached a group of local horse & cart drivers and shouted for their attention. The young guy then disappeared and the locals called the police.
A policeman on a motorbike pulled up within less than a minute and asked me to get on the back - no helmet - then proceeded to whiz through the crazy traffic at high speed looking for the culprit. We didn't find him and so the police lost interest and told me to go back to the hotel.
I never did find out what drove the guy to try to slit my throat. Did he want to steal my camera? Did he work for the cross man on the bench? Did I photograph something that I shouldn't have?
So, shaken and stirred we had the best part of a week left in Marrakesh so took the decision to get out as much as possible. This meant that we got to see the stunning Atlas Mountains, and the old hippy trail seaside town of Essaouria. I loved both these places and we met loads of friendly Moroccans to make up for the unfriendly welcome of Marrakesh.
When I got back home and reviewed the images properly for the first time, I realised that I'd caught more than one angry stare from locals down the lens of my camera. I always do due diligence before going to new places - forewarned is forearmed - but now realise that I have to be super careful as a 'rich' foreigner, in foreign lands, especially those where religious views are strongly held. Some of the locals saw my photography as rude, or out of order, and for this I'm sorry. It certainly wasn't my attention to annoy anyone, but that's a lesson learned.
I'd love to go back to Morocco, but will probably never visit Marrakesh again. I did get some cool photos though!
.summary (string) =Morocco is a stunning country, but taking photos in Marrakesh almost ended up with me in hospital, or worse…
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