Ffotograffydd Masnachol Casnewydd

Webber Photo yw fi, Rhys Webber (a chynorthwywyr lle bo angen), ac rydw i'n Ffotograffydd o Gasnewydd, yn cynnig ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, ffotograffiaeth fasnachol, ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol, portreadau, ffotograffiaeth teithio a ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn o fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, De Cymru. Mae gen i hefyd stiwdio ffotograffiaeth gludadwy sy'n fy ngalluogi i saethu yn eich man busnes os oes angen. Rwy’n cynnig Gwasanaethau Ffotograffiaeth yng Nghasnewydd, ond hefyd Ffotograffiaeth Casnewydd – fy ngwaith ffotograffiaeth personol, sy’n ymwneud â dogfennu amrywiaeth pobl Casnewydd drwy bortreadau ffotograffig. Wrth gwrs, nid yw bod yn Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn fy nghlymu i â'r ddinas, gyda chleientiaid o bob rhan o'r DU a thu hwnt.

Ffotograffiaeth yw fy angerdd ac rwy'n ffodus bod pobl yn talu i mi wneud yr hyn rwy'n ei garu - bod yn ffotograffydd! Rwyf hefyd yn tynnu lluniau er pleser personol pan nad wyf yn cael fy nhalu - yn arddangos fy ngwaith personol ac yn gweithio ar brosiectau ar raddfa fawr fel Cymry O Bobman. Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac wedi cyflwyno sesiynau i fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, a Choleg Gwent.

Edrychwch ar yr ystod o wasanaethau ffotograffiaeth rydw i'n eu cynnig isod, yna cysylltwch i weld beth allaf ei wneud i chi neu cliciwch yma i ddarllen mwy amdanaf.

Ffotograffiaeth Portread

Angen portread ohonoch chi'ch hun, neu luniau o'ch tîm gwaith? Dw i wedi saethu miloedd o bortreadau… cymerwch olwg.

Headshots Corfforaethol

A yw eich gwefan wych yn cael ei siomi gan ergydion corfforaethol is-safonol? Rwyf wedi saethu cannoedd lawer o'r rhain, naill ai yn fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, neu ar safle cleientiaid gyda'm stiwdio cludadwy.

Ffotograffiaeth a fideo drôn

Codwch eich adrodd straeon gweledol gyda'n gwasanaethau fideo a ffotograffiaeth drôn proffesiynol.

Ffotograffiaeth Digwyddiadau

Mae ein ffotograffiaeth digwyddiad yn cael y lluniau sydd eu hangen arnoch o'ch digwyddiad corfforaethol neu greadigol.

Ffotograffiaeth Cynnyrch

Cymerwch olwg ar ein ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, gan helpu ein cleientiaid i farchnata eu cynnyrch ar wefannau ac mewn catalogau.

Ffotograffiaeth Diwydianol

Mae ein cleientiaid ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol yn cynnwys TATA Steel, BAE Systems, Welsh Power, Ensinger Plastics a llawer mwy.

Ffotograffiaeth Ffasiwn

Oes angen ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn neu harddwch arnoch chi ar gyfer eich brand, neu a ydych chi'n fodel uchelgeisiol sy'n chwilio am luniau portffolio gwych?

Cymry o Bob Man

Cymry o Bob Man yw fy mhrosiect portreadu lluniau personol, a ddechreuais dros 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae'r prosiect yn ymchwilio i amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Casnewydd yn yr 21ain Ganrif.

Cleientiaid Ffotograffiaeth

Rwyf wedi bod yn ffotograffydd masnachol ers blynyddoedd lawer, yn gyntaf yng Nghasnewydd, yna Llundain ac yna yn ôl i Gasnewydd. Rwyf wedi cael gormod o gleientiaid ffotograffiaeth i'w crybwyll, ond dyma rai.

Maindee Unlimited
IDS Door Services
University of South Wales
Rhag Cymru
Newport City Council
Bank of England
Cymraeg I Bawb
Joov Sports Products
Welsh Power
Premier Forest
Harding Evans
All About Eve
Hexa Finance
BAE Systems
NHS Wales
Nayah Cosmetics
Newport City Radio
Pink Rhino Vending
Welsh Connection
Tata Steel
University of Wales Global Academy
Alzheimers Society Logo
Great Bear Healthcare
GD Environmental
Axis Chiropractic
Hover Helicopters
People's Health Trust
Lloyds Bank
Care Supply Pool
National Literacy Trust

Blog Ffotograffydd Casnewydd

Nid fy mhroffesiwn yn unig yw bod yn ffotograffydd, ond fy hobi hefyd. Mae blog Fy Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o waith a gomisiynir gan gleientiaid, gwaith hunangyfeiriedig, gwaith addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac arddangosfeydd. Cymerwch olwg!

Harding Evans Portraits

Harding Evans is a large solicitor's firm in Newport and Cardiff with about 90 staff members, and they requested a portrait shoot for their website.

Ffotoshoot Banc Lloegr

Trefnodd tîm Allgymorth Banc Lloegr ddiwrnod o ddigwyddiadau yn 3 Ysgol Casnewydd, a chefais fy nghomisiynu i saethu’r gweithgareddau.

FFotograffiaeth ffasiwn gyda Lara

Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!

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With about 90 staff members to shoot, this wasn't going to be done in a day, so we arranged one photoshoot at the Cardiff office, and 3 at the Newport office. 

"I ******* hate having my photo taken!"

If clients want natural looking portraits, then it takes a little time - as many people hate having their photo taken, and especially when told they must by their employer.  Wall to wall images of beautiful models wherever we turn has made many people uncomfortable with having their photos taken, and so it is no surprise when a significant proportion of my 'models' for headshots enter the studio with fear and trepidation. This makes them stiff with hunched shoulders and rictus smile (or their go-to photo pose), which is no good for taking relaxed and natural photos.

For this reason I request 10 minutes with each sitter. Some sitters are clearly comfortable and are in and out of the studio in 5 minutes, but with the less comfortable ones I need that time to get them to relax, and forget that they "hate having their photo taken". This means chatting, and asking questions - connecting with each sitter in order that they relax enough for the shot. I may then only shoot in the last couple of minutes of the ten, but the results are much better.

On Brand Portraits 

Harding Evans' brand is centred around their teal colour palette, so we decided (me and the marketing manager together), that we should shoot on a textured teal background, with a little gradient so that the centre of the images was lighter than the edges. To achieve this I set a coloured gel onto a grey background, turning it to a teal colour. The teal wasn't quite the brand colour, but close enough that I could then tweak each portrait in photoshop to get the precise colour for the brand.

Finishing Off

Pretty much all phone cameras now come with a 'beauty' filter which smooths skin and reduces blemishes - and people are using them so much that a regular 'warts-and-all' high res image can look too detailed in comparison. So in collaboration with the team at Harding Evans we decided to do minor skin smoothing, and blemish removal on all images - plus several of the sitters requested more specific edits, including thickening of thinning hair in Photoshop.

I'm happy to offer these edits if the clients want them - not going as far as a beauty/model retouch shot (that can take an hour per shot) , but making the sitters look as good as possible. 

Take a look and get in touch if your team needs new photographic portraits.


      .summary (string) =

Harding Evans is a large solicitor's firm in Newport and Cardiff with about 90 staff members, and they requested a portrait shoot for their website.

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      .author (string) = admin
      .id (string) = 24
      .title (string) = Bank of England Shoot
      .content (string) =

Sometimes you get lucky ! The Bank of England already had a preferred freelance photographer in South Wales, but they weren't available, so they Googled local photographers and chose me. Wahoo!

Millbrook School Community Forum

The first photoshoot was at Millbrook School (usually Bettws, but temporarily in Brynglas). It was a discussion with local charity groups focused on the cost of living and impact on service users. The Bank of England staff were keen to learn about the way that Charities service users have been affected by increased interest rates, fuel bills and the cost of living crisis.

discussion group

St Joseph's Secondary School Youth Forum

After Millbrook we moved onto St Josephs' RC Secondary School where the school youth forum got to have their say about money - cash or cards, apple pay, Bitcoin, and digital wallets. It was really interesting to hear the way young people see money, how they use it, and where they see it going in the future.

Youth Forum

Maindee Primary Citizen's Panel

This was the loudest and most colourful of the day's photoshoots - with the school hall full of families of pupils at the school. Over a buffet meal, the Bank of England team members broke out onto individual tables to speak to groups of parents, and learn of their financial concerns. 

Citizen's forum

"Thanks Rhys, really nice set of photos"  Andrew Hebden, Head of Outreach, Bank of England.


      .summary (string) =

The Bank Of England Outreach team organised a day of events at 3 Newport Schools, and I was commissioned to shoot the activities.

      .postdate (string) = 2023-06-13 13:35:00
      .url (string) = bank-of-england-shoot
      .startdate (string) = 2023-06-13 13:35:00
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{Gallery dir='Event-Photography/Bank-of-England-Outreach-Shoot'}

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Trefnodd tîm Allgymorth Banc Lloegr ddiwrnod o ddigwyddiadau yn 3 Ysgol Casnewydd, a chefais fy nghomisiynu i saethu’r gweithgareddau.

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{Gallery dir='Event-Photography/Bank-of-England-Outreach-Shoot'}

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Trefnodd tîm Allgymorth Banc Lloegr ddiwrnod o ddigwyddiadau yn 3 Ysgol Casnewydd, a chefais fy nghomisiynu i saethu’r gweithgareddau.

      .detail_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/bank-of-england-shoot
   [2] (object of type: stdClass) = {
      .author (string) = admin
      .id (string) = 23
      .title (string) = Fashion Shoot with Lara
      .content (string) =

I take photos, but I also make photos. Much of my commercial work is taking photos - turning up somewhere and shooting portraits, or products, or events (etc). However, a few times a year I plan a fashion style photoshoot in order to make photos. The process is much more in-depth and involves creative collaboration to get the desired photographs.

It usually starts with an idea of a theme or story that I'd like to shoot (or sometimes its a new photographic technique that I want to try). I then have to find a model (the excellent Lara here), find hair and makeup artists to collaborate with (the amazing Elin Coles in this case did both). Next comes a moodboard which the model, make up artist and myself can all post reference images to. After that I then have to source costumes and props - from my clients Marigold Costumes who are a costume company for film, tv and theatre (thanks Dawn and Lynn). Lastly I plan lighting and source backdrops for the shoot. 

Elin Coles did the makeup and hair - we come up with ideas together, but then she makes them her own and delivers stunning results for me. At the Aladdin's Cave which is Marigold I managed to source several hoop (Crinolene) dresses, plus accessories including the white powder wig. I also picked up some more contemporary clothes, for a second style for the shoot.

So, its a big production, with many elements having to come together on the day to get the great shots. We had fun making these photos. Hope you like them!


      .summary (string) =

Every now and again I organise a fashion photoshoot, to keep my creative juices flowing. Take a look at what we got up to.

      .postdate (string) = 2023-03-31 12:41:00
      .url (string) = fashion-shoot-with-lara
      .startdate (string) = 2023-03-31 12:41:00
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      .create_date (string) = 2023-03-31 12:56:31
      .modified_date (string) = 2023-03-31 12:59:10
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Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!

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Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!

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$LISEClients_items (array) = [
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I take photos, but I also make photos. Much of my commercial work is taking photos - turning up somewhere and shooting portraits, or products, or events (etc). However, a few times a year I plan a fashion style photoshoot in order to make photos. The process is much more in-depth and involves creative collaboration to get the desired photographs.

It usually starts with an idea of a theme or story that I'd like to shoot (or sometimes its a new photographic technique that I want to try). I then have to find a model (the excellent Lara here), find hair and makeup artists to collaborate with (the amazing Elin Coles in this case did both). Next comes a moodboard which the model, make up artist and myself can all post reference images to. After that I then have to source costumes and props - from my clients Marigold Costumes who are a costume company for film, tv and theatre (thanks Dawn and Lynn). Lastly I plan lighting and source backdrops for the shoot. 

Elin Coles did the makeup and hair - we come up with ideas together, but then she makes them her own and delivers stunning results for me. At the Aladdin's Cave which is Marigold I managed to source several hoop (Crinolene) dresses, plus accessories including the white powder wig. I also picked up some more contemporary clothes, for a second style for the shoot.

So, its a big production, with many elements having to come together on the day to get the great shots. We had fun making these photos. Hope you like them!


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Every now and again I organise a fashion photoshoot, to keep my creative juices flowing. Take a look at what we got up to.

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Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!

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Bob hyn a hyn dwi'n trefnu sesiwn tynnu lluniau ffasiwn, i gadw fy sudd creadigol i lifo. Cymerwch olwg!

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