Commercial Photographer Newport
Webber Photo is me, Rhys Webber (plus assistants where required), and I'm a Newport based Photographer, offering portrait photography, product photography, commercial photography, industrial photography, travel photography and fashion photography from my studio in Newport, South Wales. I also have a portable photography studio setup which allows me to shoot at your place of business if required. I offer both Photography Services in Newport, but also Newport Photography - my personal photography work, which is all about documenting the diversity of the people of Newport through photographic portraits. Of course, being a Newport Photographer doesn't tie me to the city, with clients from across the UK and beyond.
Photography is my passion and I'm lucky that people pay me to do what I love — being a photographer! I also take photographs for personal pleasure when not being paid - exhibiting my personal work and working on large scale projects like Welsh From Everywhere. I also teach photography, and have delivered sessions to students in the University of South Wales, and Coleg Gwent.
Take a look at the range of photography services I offer below, then get in touch to see what I can do for you or click here to read more about me.
Portrait Photography Newport
Portrait photography is my biggest photography passion. I love to meet new people and engage with them to create relaxed portraits which capture the character of the sitter. I shoot portrait photography from my studio in Newport, but can also bring a portable studio to you. Portrait Photography - Take a look!
Portrait Photography
Need a portrait of yourself, or headshots of your work team? I've shot thousands of portraits… take a look.
Corporate Headshots
Is your great looking website being let down by substandard coporate headshots? I've shot many hundreds of these, both at my Newport studio, and at clients premises with my portable photography studio.
Drone Photography & Video
Elevate your storytelling with our 4k drone video and high quality res photography. Take a look at our drone services.
Event Photography
Our event photography gets you the photos you need from your corporate, or creative event.
Product Photography
Take a look at our product photography, helping our clients market their products on websites and in catalogues.
Industrial Photography
Our industrial photography clients include TATA Steel, BAE Systems, Welsh Power, Ensinger Plastics and many more.
Fashion & Beauty Photography
Do you need fashion or beauty photography for your brand, or are you an aspiring model looking for great photos to build your portfolio?
Welsh From Everywhere
Welsh from Everywhere is my personal photo portraiture project, which I started over 10 years ago. The project investigates the rich cultural diversity of Newport in the 21st Century.
Photography Clients
I've been a commercial photographer for many years, first in Newport, then London then back to Newport. I've had too many photography clients to mention, but here's a few.

Photographer Newport Blog
Being a photographer is not just my profession, but also my hobby. My Photographer Newport blog shows a range of client commissioned work, self directed work, photography teaching work, and exhibitions.. Take a look!
Exhibition at the Cwtsh, Newport
I'm really pleased to have been asked to exhibit my Welsh From Everywhere / Cymry o Bob Man photo portrait work at the Cwtsh Arts Centre.
Actor Portraits with Elliott
Elliott is an aspiring young actor and is training to be a stuntman. He needed some publicity shots and came calling.
People's Health Trust Shoot
Another great photoshoot for the People's Health Trust — this time with the lovely Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group.
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.title (string) = Exhibition at the Cwtsh, Newport
.content (string) =I was really chuffed to be asked to exhibit my Welsh From Everywhere / Cymry O Bob Man work at the community run Cwtsh Arts Centre in Newport. The exhibition runs from March 4th to April 16th 2023. The show features 36 photographic portraits of people from around the Newport area.
My involvement with the Cwtsh extends to before they opened, where I was asked to help come up with a name for the Arts Centre, then design the branding. I suggested 'Cwtsh' and after beating away objections to the use of a Welsh name from a short lived Cymraeg-phobic volunteer ("Nobody around here speaks Welsh!" — "Are you sure? I live a stone's throw away and I speak Welsh, as do my kids and all their friends").
Since last exhibiting this work - at the (ffotogallery) Diffusion International Festival of Photography in 2021, I've added a fair few images to the project, but this exhibition also sees the first showing of 2 groups of colour portraits from the project that have not been shown previously — photos from the Asian Men's Club and Pensioners Lunch Clubs at Community House.
Launch Event
We had a great launch event on Sunday 5th March, with barely room to move inside. Many thanks to all that came to support me. Special thanks go to amazing photographer John Briggs from the Cwtsh. John invited me to exhibit and supported me throughout the process - including helping us hang the work (thanks to Marion too) . He also gave a lovely speech and said some really humbling things about the importance of the work that I've been creating for the last few years. I also gave a little speech and answered a few questions from the audience.
Here's a selection of some of the portraits on show at Cwtsh.
{Gallery dir='People-Photography/Cwtsh-Exhibition'}
.summary (string) =I'm really pleased to have been asked to exhibit my Welsh From Everywhere / Cymry o Bob Man photo portrait work at the Cwtsh Arts Centre.
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.title (string) = Actor Portraits with Elliott
.content (string) =Actor Portraits / Headshots
An actor's calling card is their z-card (or comp card) — usually several portraits on a card alongside contact details and personal details like age, height etc. and any special skills they may have. When casting for film and tv, casting directors will often trawl through dozens or hundreds of these z-cards to try to find the right potential cast for their productions.
It is important that these actor headshot photos are high quality — the investment required to get a professional photographer in may seem expensive when you can shoot photos on your phone for free, but when it comes to such an important piece of marketing material for you, then it is well worth the modest investment. You need your photos to stand out from the crowd, as these casting directors can reject a badly printed, or badly photographed headshot in the blink of an eye, but they will notice the quality in the professional shots and thus notice the actor.
Keeping the Customer Satisfied
Elliott loved both the experience of having the photoshoot, and the resulting images:
"Just looked over the pictures and I'm really chuffed with how they turned out. You've done a cracking job on these."
I wish Elliott the best of luck with his acting/stuntman career - he truly is a photogenic young man and the movie camera should love him as much as the stills camera. Take a look at the photos.
.summary (string) =Elliott is an aspiring young actor and is training to be a stuntman. He needed some publicity shots and came calling.
.postdate (string) = 2022-12-09 11:12:00
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.value (string) = Portreadau Actor gydag Elliott
.Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
.name (string) = Summary_CY
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.value (string) =Mae Elliott yn actor ifanc uchelgeisiol ac yn hyfforddi i fod yn stuntman. Roedd angen rhywfaint o gyhoeddusrwydd arno a daeth i alw.
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.title (string) = People's Health Trust Shoot
.content (string) =I've had a few photoshoots for the People's Health Trust over the last couple of years, and I always enjoy them. The Trust work to tackle socio-economic factors that contribute to stark differences in life expectancy and quality of health throughout the UK. This is vital work, and I'm glad every time they call me up to photograph a new group or event.
I met up with Wafa and the other women of the Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group in Eastville Park, Bristol. The women were all originally from Sudan, and get together every week to get some exercise and good company — great for both physical and mental health. It was a grey, leaden sky day, but bar a few light spot of rain, stayed thankfully dry for us.
After accompanying these lovely people on their walk around the park — taking photos, but also connecting, chatting, and sharing stories — I was really please to find that they'd brought hot tea and home made Sudanese pancakes, which were delicious and very much appreciated.
Here are a few shots from the Walk.
.summary (string) =Another great photoshoot for the People's Health Trust — this time with the lovely Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group.
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.title (string) = People's Health Trust Shoot
.content (string) =I've had a few photoshoots for the People's Health Trust over the last couple of years, and I always enjoy them. The Trust work to tackle socio-economic factors that contribute to stark differences in life expectancy and quality of health throughout the UK. This is vital work, and I'm glad every time they call me up to photograph a new group or event.
I met up with Wafa and the other women of the Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group in Eastville Park, Bristol. The women were all originally from Sudan, and get together every week to get some exercise and good company — great for both physical and mental health. It was a grey, leaden sky day, but bar a few light spot of rain, stayed thankfully dry for us.
After accompanying these lovely people on their walk around the park — taking photos, but also connecting, chatting, and sharing stories — I was really please to find that they'd brought hot tea and home made Sudanese pancakes, which were delicious and very much appreciated.
Here are a few shots from the Walk.
.summary (string) =Another great photoshoot for the People's Health Trust — this time with the lovely Bristol Women's Walk and Talk group.
.postdate (string) = 2022-11-14 11:43:00
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