$SCRIPT_NAME (string) = /index.php $app_name (string) = callable $sitename (string) = Webber Photo $content_obj (object of type: Content) = {} $content_id (string) = 70 $page_id (string) = 70 $page_alias (string) = model-photoshoot-alex $lang (string) = en_US $encoding (string) = utf-8 $lang_extra (string) = $lang_parent (string) = en $lang_locale (string) = en_US $lang_dir (string) = ltr $actionid (string) = cntnt01 $actionparams (array) = [ .dir (string) = Fashion-Photography .returnid (string) = 70 .action (string) = default .inline (string) = .module (string) = Gallery ] $returnid (string) = 70 $actionmodule (string) = Gallery $mod (object of type: Gallery) = { .GalleryCSS (string) =
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} $gallerytitle (string) = Fashion and Beauty Photography $gallerydir (string) = Fashion-Photography $galleryid (string) = 424 $gallerycomment (string) = Working with my wife Marion as stylist and alongside skilled makeup artists, we've shot a wide range of fashion & beauty photography over the years with many talented models. Many of these shoots were on a TF (time for) basis - meaning that the models / stylists / makeup artists (and me, the photographer) work for free in exchange for images for their portfolios. This is a great way of helping out new local models, whilst offering the opportunity for me and Marion to try out new photographic ideas, styles, methods etc. Mostly then we look for models who want to collaborate with photographers; rather than just turning up and shooting, we plan the shoots beforehand, share Pinterest mood boards of inspirational images, discuss and plan what all parties want from the shoot.
We have a photography studio in Newport, complete with all lighting, modifiers, coloured backdrops, gels, selection of clothing etc to shoot our fashion and beauty photography, but also a portable solution to work on location.
If you are interested in this sort of collaboration, please get in touch . Other shots here for clients such as Marigold Costumes , Laura May Bridal , Fashion Rocks Wales (fashion show photography) etc.
$gallerydate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:28:00 $parentid (string) = 1 $parentlink (string) = Back to parent gallery $parent_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/70 $parent_txt (string) = Back to parent gallery $hideparentlink (string) = 0 $fields (array) = [ .meta_description (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 1 .name (string) = Meta Description .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 1 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Fashion and beauty photography in Newport. ] .gallery_title_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 7 .name (string) = Gallery Title_CY .type (string) = textinput .properties (string) = 255 .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 2 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Ffotograffiaeth Ffasiwn a Harddwch ] .comment_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 4 .name (string) = Comment_CY .type (string) = wysiwyg .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 3 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Gan weithio gyda fy ngwraig Marion fel steilydd ochr yn ochr ag artistiaid colur a gwallt medrus, rydym wedi saethu ystod eang o ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn a harddwch dros y blynyddoedd gyda llawer o fodelau talentog. Roedd llawer o'r egin hyn ar sail TF (amser ar gyfer) - sy'n golygu bod y modelau / steilwyr / artistiaid colur (a fi, y ffotograffydd) yn gweithio am ddim yn gyfnewid am ddelweddau ar gyfer eu portffolios. Mae hyn yn ffordd wych o helpu modelau lleol newydd, tra'n cynnig y cyfle i mi a Marion i roi cynnig ar syniadau ffotograffig newydd, arddulliau, dulliau ac ati. Yn bennaf wedyn rydym yn chwilio am fodelau sydd eisiau cydweithio gyda ffotograffwyr; yn hytrach na dim ond troi i fyny a saethu, rydym yn cynllunio'r egin ymlaen llaw, yn rhannu byrddau hwyliau Pinterest o ddelweddau ysbrydoledig, yn trafod a chynllunio'r hyn y mae pob parti ei eisiau o'r saethu.
Mae gennym ni stiwdio ffotograffiaeth yng Nghasnewydd, ynghyd â'r holl oleuadau, addaswyr, cefndiroedd lliw, geliau ac ati i saethu ein ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn a harddwch, ond hefyd ateb cludadwy i weithio ar leoliad.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb yn y math hwn o gydweithio, cysylltwch â ni . Lluniau eraill yma i gleientiaid fel Marigold Costumes, Laura May Bridal, Fashion Rocks Wales, One World Week a.y.b.
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.fileorder (string) = 2 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = 1 .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/modules/Gallery/images/folder.png ->fields (array) = [ .meta_description (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 1 .name (string) = Meta Description .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 1 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Fashion photography, portrait photography ] .gallery_title_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 7 .name (string) = Gallery Title_CY .type (string) = textinput .properties (string) = 255 .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 2 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Lara ] .comment_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 4 .name (string) = Comment_CY .type (string) = wysiwyg .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 3 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Sesiwn ffotograff ffasiwn gyda model Lara. Colur a gwallt gan Elin Coles.
] .meta_description_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 5 .name (string) = Meta Description_CY .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 4 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn. ] .hidden (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 3 .name (string) = Hidden .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 5 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] .hide_title (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 8 .name (string) = Hide Title .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 6 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] ] } [2] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1622 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/MarionMasks-2.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-04-12 13:56:17 .filename (string) = MarionMasks-2.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = MarionMasks-2.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 3 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1622-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [3] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1434 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/Queenie-May-Model-Shoot/70 .filedate (string) = 2022-04-01 12:53:30 .filename (string) = Queenie-May-Model-Shoot .title (string) = Queenie May Model Shoot .titlename (string) = Queenie May Model Shoot .comment (string) = Some photos from my portfolio builder shoot with new model Queenie May.
.fileorder (string) = 4 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = 1 .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/modules/Gallery/images/folder.png ->fields (array) = [ .meta_description (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 1 .name (string) = Meta Description .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 1 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Fashion photography, model photography, beauty photography, studio, model, photoshoot ] .gallery_title_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 7 .name (string) = Gallery Title_CY .type (string) = textinput .properties (string) = 255 .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 2 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Saethu Model Queenie May ] .comment_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 4 .name (string) = Comment_CY .type (string) = wysiwyg .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 3 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Mae rhai lluniau o fy adeiladwr portffolio yn saethu gyda model newydd Queenie May.
] .meta_description_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 5 .name (string) = Meta Description_CY .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 4 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn, ffotograffiaeth model, ffotograffiaeth harddwch, stiwdio, model, sesiwn ffotograffau ] .hidden (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 3 .name (string) = Hidden .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 5 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] .hide_title (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 8 .name (string) = Hide Title .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 6 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] ] } [4] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1616 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/LaraPhotos-.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-03-31 13:09:32 .filename (string) = LaraPhotos-.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = LaraPhotos-.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 5 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1616-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [5] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1433 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/QMay-Atmos.jpg .filedate (string) = 2022-04-01 12:26:59 .filename (string) = QMay-Atmos.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = QMay-Atmos.jpg .comment (string) = Queenie May smoke and gels .fileorder (string) = 6 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1433-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [6] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 997 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/Model-Photoshoot-Rebecca/70 .filedate (string) = 2021-06-30 17:02:20 .filename (string) = Model-Photoshoot-Rebecca .title (string) = Model Photoshoot: Rebeccca .titlename (string) = Model Photoshoot: Rebeccca .comment (string) = Rebecca wanted some images for her new modelling portfolio, and reached out for some help. She had great ideas about what she wanted out of the photoshoot, and came alive when I mentioned that I had access to an amazing Aladdin's Cave of costumes in Cardiff (Marigold Costumes). So we set up a portable studio at Marigold, chose the range of outfits together, then shot these quirky images.
.fileorder (string) = 7 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = 1 .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/modules/Gallery/images/folder.png ->fields (array) = [ .meta_description (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 1 .name (string) = Meta Description .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 1 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = ] .gallery_title_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 7 .name (string) = Gallery Title_CY .type (string) = textinput .properties (string) = 255 .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 2 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Ffotograffau Model: Rebecca ] .comment_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 4 .name (string) = Comment_CY .type (string) = wysiwyg .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 3 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Roedd Rebecca eisiau rhai delweddau ar gyfer ei phortffolio modelu newydd, ac estynnodd am ychydig o help. Roedd ganddi syniadau gwych am yr hyn roedd hi eisiau allan o’r sesiwn tynnu lluniau, a daeth yn fyw pan soniais fod gen i fynediad i Ogof gwisgoedd anhygoel Aladdin’s yng Nghaerdydd (Marigold Costumes). Felly fe wnaethom sefydlu stiwdio symudol yn Marigold, dewis yr amrywiaeth o wisgoedd gyda'n gilydd, yna saethu'r delweddau hynod hyn.
] .meta_description_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 5 .name (string) = Meta Description_CY .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 4 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = ] .hidden (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 3 .name (string) = Hidden .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 5 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] .hide_title (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 8 .name (string) = Hide Title .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 6 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] ] } [7] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 725 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/Model-Photoshoot-Alex/70 .filedate (string) = 2021-06-24 18:05:20 .filename (string) = Model-Photoshoot-Alex .title (string) = Model Photoshoot: Alex .titlename (string) = Model Photoshoot: Alex .comment (string) = This was our second collaboration with Alex McCue - we'd enjoyed the first one so much, and got some great photos for everyone's portfolios, that we decided to have another go. We sourced some suits and other clothing from the lovely people at Marigold Costumes in Cardiff (thanks Dawn), then shot at my photography studio in Newport.
I'd just got a new toy in the post - a Lensbaby which is a cheap lens with built in rubber bellows, allowing the photographer to tilt the plane of the lens relative to the subject to get some interesting depth of field effects. It turned out to be a bit hit and miss with many of the shots completely out of focus, but we got a few successes.
.fileorder (string) = 8 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = 1 .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/modules/Gallery/images/folder.png ->fields (array) = [ .meta_description (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 1 .name (string) = Meta Description .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 1 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = ] .gallery_title_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 7 .name (string) = Gallery Title_CY .type (string) = textinput .properties (string) = 255 .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 2 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Ffotograffau Model: Alex ] .comment_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 4 .name (string) = Comment_CY .type (string) = wysiwyg .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 3 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = Hwn oedd ein hail gydweithrediad ag Alex - roedden ni wedi mwynhau'r un cyntaf gymaint, ac wedi cael lluniau gwych ar gyfer portffolios pawb, nes i ni benderfynu rhoi cynnig arall arni. Daethom o hyd i siwtiau a dillad eraill gan y bobl hyfryd yn Marigold Costumes yng Nghaerdydd (diolch Dawn), yna saethwyd yn fy stiwdio ffotograffiaeth yng Nghasnewydd.
Roeddwn i newydd gael tegan newydd yn y post - Lensbaby sy'n lens rhad gyda megin rwber wedi'i hadeiladu i mewn, sy'n caniatáu i'r ffotograffydd ogwyddo plân y lens o'i gymharu â'r gwrthrych i gael rhywfaint o ddyfnder diddorol o effeithiau maes. Roedd yn dipyn o ergyd a cholli gyda llawer o'r ergydion yn gwbl ddisylw, ond cawsom ambell i lwyddiant.
] .meta_description_cy (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 5 .name (string) = Meta Description_CY .type (string) = textarea .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 4 .public (string) = 1 .value (string) = ] .hidden (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 3 .name (string) = Hidden .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 5 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] .hide_title (array) = [ .fieldid (string) = 8 .name (string) = Hide Title .type (string) = checkbox .properties (NULL) = .dirfield (string) = 1 .sortorder (string) = 6 .public (string) = 1 .value (NULL) = ] ] } [8] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1575 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Mwet.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-01-18 16:12:10 .filename (string) = Mwet.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Mwet.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 9 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1575-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [9] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 456 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Larni.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:30 .filename (string) = Larni.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Larni.jpg .comment (string) = Larni fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 10 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/456-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [10] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 460 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AlexShoot-31.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:33:06 .filename (string) = AlexShoot-31.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AlexShoot-31.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 11 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/460-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [11] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1542 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Annoushka.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-01-05 12:03:58 .filename (string) = Annoushka.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Annoushka.jpg .comment (string) = Annoushka smoke grenade fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 12 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1542-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [12] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1617 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/LaraPhotos--6.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-03-31 13:09:33 .filename (string) = LaraPhotos--6.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = LaraPhotos--6.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 13 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1617-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [13] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1576 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/MModel-J.jpg .filedate (string) = 2023-01-18 16:12:32 .filename (string) = MModel-J.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = MModel-J.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 14 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1576-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [14] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 2129 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/ToniBLue-%281%20of%201%29.jpg .filedate (string) = 2025-01-24 16:10:16 .filename (string) = ToniBLue-(1 of 1).jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = ToniBLue-(1 of 1).jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 15 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/2129-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [15] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 444 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashionbeauty4.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:23 .filename (string) = fashionbeauty4.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashionbeauty4.jpg .comment (string) = Amber fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 16 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/444-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [16] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 463 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/ColourBecca%20%2810%20of%2014%29.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:37:49 .filename (string) = ColourBecca (10 of 14).jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = ColourBecca (10 of 14).jpg .comment (string) = Rebecca fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 17 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/463-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [17] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 449 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashow7.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:27 .filename (string) = fashow7.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashow7.jpg .comment (string) = Catwalk fashion shot .fileorder (string) = 18 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/449-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [18] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 462 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AlexShoot-40.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:33:06 .filename (string) = AlexShoot-40.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AlexShoot-40.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 19 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/462-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [19] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 425 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/bobby.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:28:30 .filename (string) = bobby.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = bobby.jpg .comment (string) = Toni abstract fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 20 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/425-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [20] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1432 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/peoplePhoto1.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-12-16 12:47:26 .filename (string) = peoplePhoto1.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = peoplePhoto1.jpg .comment (string) = Sophia fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 21 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1432-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [21] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 448 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashow4.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:26 .filename (string) = fashow4.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashow4.jpg .comment (string) = Fashion show - fashion rocks wales .fileorder (string) = 22 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/448-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [22] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 453 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/GreenonYellow.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:29 .filename (string) = GreenonYellow.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = GreenonYellow.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 23 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/453-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [23] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 465 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Rebecca%20%286%20of%2010%29.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:37:49 .filename (string) = Rebecca (6 of 10).jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Rebecca (6 of 10).jpg .comment (string) = Rebecca fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 24 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/465-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [24] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 447 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashow3.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:25 .filename (string) = fashow3.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashow3.jpg .comment (string) = Catwalk photo .fileorder (string) = 25 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/447-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [25] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 1892 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/bridalwearLMB.jpg .filedate (string) = 2024-11-15 15:18:25 .filename (string) = bridalwearLMB.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = bridalwearLMB.jpg .comment (string) = .fileorder (string) = 26 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/1892-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [26] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 467 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Alex_roughs%20%285%20of%209%29.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:40:01 .filename (string) = Alex_roughs (5 of 9).jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Alex_roughs (5 of 9).jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 27 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/467-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [27] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 466 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Jay-10.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:38:32 .filename (string) = Jay-10.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Jay-10.jpg .comment (string) = Jay fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 28 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/466-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [28] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 464 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Merbecca%20%283%20of%2015%29.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:37:49 .filename (string) = Merbecca (3 of 15).jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Merbecca (3 of 15).jpg .comment (string) = Rebecca fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 30 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/464-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [29] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 451 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fshjow6.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:28 .filename (string) = fshjow6.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fshjow6.jpg .comment (string) = Fashion Rocks Wales .fileorder (string) = 31 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/451-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [30] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 452 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/Fshow2.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:28 .filename (string) = Fshow2.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = Fshow2.jpg .comment (string) = University Fashion Degree Show .fileorder (string) = 32 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/452-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [31] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 454 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/JoDance.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:29 .filename (string) = JoDance.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = JoDance.jpg .comment (string) = Jo fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 33 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/454-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [32] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 445 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashionbeauty7.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:24 .filename (string) = fashionbeauty7.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashionbeauty7.jpg .comment (string) = Chris .fileorder (string) = 34 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/445-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [33] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 455 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/JoHoly.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:30 .filename (string) = JoHoly.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = JoHoly.jpg .comment (string) = Jo Fashion shot .fileorder (string) = 35 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/455-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [34] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 457 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/MazBoxer.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:31 .filename (string) = MazBoxer.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = MazBoxer.jpg .comment (string) = Marion fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 36 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/457-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [35] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 458 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/NCRadio.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:32 .filename (string) = NCRadio.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = NCRadio.jpg .comment (string) = Studio fashion shot .fileorder (string) = 37 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/458-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [36] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 461 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AlexShoot.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:33:06 .filename (string) = AlexShoot.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AlexShoot.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 39 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/461-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [37] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 446 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashionbeauty9.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:25 .filename (string) = fashionbeauty9.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashionbeauty9.jpg .comment (string) = Marion fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 40 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/446-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [38] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 426 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/emily.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:28:30 .filename (string) = emily.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = emily.jpg .comment (string) = Emily fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 41 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/426-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [39] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 433 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/BeaniAng.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:16 .filename (string) = BeaniAng.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = BeaniAng.jpg .comment (string) = Angie fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 42 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/433-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [40] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 427 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AlexJump.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:11 .filename (string) = AlexJump.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AlexJump.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 43 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/427-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [41] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 428 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AlexThought.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:12 .filename (string) = AlexThought.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AlexThought.jpg .comment (string) = Alex fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 44 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/428-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [42] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 429 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AngBWsoft.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:12 .filename (string) = AngBWsoft.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AngBWsoft.jpg .comment (string) = Angie fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 45 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/429-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [43] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 430 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AngFreckles.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:13 .filename (string) = AngFreckles.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AngFreckles.jpg .comment (string) = Angie fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 46 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/430-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [44] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 437 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashion.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:19 .filename (string) = fashion.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashion.jpg .comment (string) = Lauren fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 47 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/437-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [45] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 432 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/AnoushkaWhiteSmoke.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:15 .filename (string) = AnoushkaWhiteSmoke.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = AnoushkaWhiteSmoke.jpg .comment (string) = Annoushka smoke grenade .fileorder (string) = 48 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/432-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [46] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 434 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/beauty1.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:17 .filename (string) = beauty1.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = beauty1.jpg .comment (string) = Annoushka smoke grenade .fileorder (string) = 49 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/434-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [47] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 435 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fash.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:18 .filename (string) = fash.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fash.jpg .comment (string) = Angie fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 51 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/435-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [48] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 436 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashcouple.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:18 .filename (string) = fashcouple.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashcouple.jpg .comment (string) = NCC fashion shoot .fileorder (string) = 52 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/436-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [49] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 438 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashion2.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:20 .filename (string) = fashion2.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashion2.jpg .comment (string) = Lauren fashion photo URBEX .fileorder (string) = 53 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = 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fashion4.jpg .comment (string) = Lauren fashion photo URBEX .fileorder (string) = 55 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/440-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } [52] (object of type: stdClass) = { .fileid (string) = 442 .file (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/Gallery/Fashion-Photography/fashionbeauty2.jpg .filedate (string) = 2021-06-21 16:30:22 .filename (string) = fashionbeauty2.jpg .title (string) = .titlename (string) = fashionbeauty2.jpg .comment (string) = Becca fashion photo .fileorder (string) = 56 .active (string) = 1 .isdir (boolean) = .galleryid (string) = 424 .gallery_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/gallery/Fashion-Photography/70 .thumb (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/images/GalleryThumbs/442-10.jpg ->fields (array) = [ ] } ] $imagecount 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