Ffotograffydd Masnachol Casnewydd

Webber Photo yw fi, Rhys Webber (a chynorthwywyr lle bo angen), ac rydw i'n Ffotograffydd o Gasnewydd, yn cynnig ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, ffotograffiaeth fasnachol, ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol, portreadau, ffotograffiaeth teithio a ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn o fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, De Cymru. Mae gen i hefyd stiwdio ffotograffiaeth gludadwy sy'n fy ngalluogi i saethu yn eich man busnes os oes angen. Rwy’n cynnig Gwasanaethau Ffotograffiaeth yng Nghasnewydd, ond hefyd Ffotograffiaeth Casnewydd – fy ngwaith ffotograffiaeth personol, sy’n ymwneud â dogfennu amrywiaeth pobl Casnewydd drwy bortreadau ffotograffig. Wrth gwrs, nid yw bod yn Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn fy nghlymu i â'r ddinas, gyda chleientiaid o bob rhan o'r DU a thu hwnt.

Ffotograffiaeth yw fy angerdd ac rwy'n ffodus bod pobl yn talu i mi wneud yr hyn rwy'n ei garu - bod yn ffotograffydd! Rwyf hefyd yn tynnu lluniau er pleser personol pan nad wyf yn cael fy nhalu - yn arddangos fy ngwaith personol ac yn gweithio ar brosiectau ar raddfa fawr fel Cymry O Bobman. Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac wedi cyflwyno sesiynau i fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, a Choleg Gwent.

Edrychwch ar yr ystod o wasanaethau ffotograffiaeth rydw i'n eu cynnig isod, yna cysylltwch i weld beth allaf ei wneud i chi neu cliciwch yma i ddarllen mwy amdanaf.

Ffotograffiaeth Portread

Angen portread ohonoch chi'ch hun, neu luniau o'ch tîm gwaith? Dw i wedi saethu miloedd o bortreadau… cymerwch olwg.

Headshots Corfforaethol

A yw eich gwefan wych yn cael ei siomi gan ergydion corfforaethol is-safonol? Rwyf wedi saethu cannoedd lawer o'r rhain, naill ai yn fy stiwdio yng Nghasnewydd, neu ar safle cleientiaid gyda'm stiwdio cludadwy.

Ffotograffiaeth a fideo drôn

Codwch eich adrodd straeon gweledol gyda'n gwasanaethau fideo a ffotograffiaeth drôn proffesiynol.

Ffotograffiaeth Digwyddiadau

Mae ein ffotograffiaeth digwyddiad yn cael y lluniau sydd eu hangen arnoch o'ch digwyddiad corfforaethol neu greadigol.

Ffotograffiaeth Cynnyrch

Cymerwch olwg ar ein ffotograffiaeth cynnyrch, gan helpu ein cleientiaid i farchnata eu cynnyrch ar wefannau ac mewn catalogau.

Ffotograffiaeth Diwydianol

Mae ein cleientiaid ffotograffiaeth ddiwydiannol yn cynnwys TATA Steel, BAE Systems, Welsh Power, Ensinger Plastics a llawer mwy.

Ffotograffiaeth Ffasiwn

Oes angen ffotograffiaeth ffasiwn neu harddwch arnoch chi ar gyfer eich brand, neu a ydych chi'n fodel uchelgeisiol sy'n chwilio am luniau portffolio gwych?

Cymry o Bob Man

Cymry o Bob Man yw fy mhrosiect portreadu lluniau personol, a ddechreuais dros 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae'r prosiect yn ymchwilio i amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Casnewydd yn yr 21ain Ganrif.

Cleientiaid Ffotograffiaeth

Rwyf wedi bod yn ffotograffydd masnachol ers blynyddoedd lawer, yn gyntaf yng Nghasnewydd, yna Llundain ac yna yn ôl i Gasnewydd. Rwyf wedi cael gormod o gleientiaid ffotograffiaeth i'w crybwyll, ond dyma rai.

Hexa Finance
Nayah Cosmetics
Welsh Connection
Pink Rhino Vending
Tata Steel
University of South Wales
Harding Evans
Alzheimers Society Logo
Newport City Council
Rhag Cymru
Care Supply Pool
Newport City Radio
Great Bear Healthcare
Hover Helicopters
People's Health Trust
Lloyds Bank
Joov Sports Products
Premier Forest
Welsh Power
GD Environmental
Maindee Unlimited
All About Eve
University of Wales Global Academy
NHS Wales
Axis Chiropractic
BAE Systems
National Literacy Trust
Cymraeg I Bawb
Bank of England
IDS Door Services

Blog Ffotograffydd Casnewydd

Nid fy mhroffesiwn yn unig yw bod yn ffotograffydd, ond fy hobi hefyd. Mae blog Fy Ffotograffydd Casnewydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o waith a gomisiynir gan gleientiaid, gwaith hunangyfeiriedig, gwaith addysgu ffotograffiaeth, ac arddangosfeydd. Cymerwch olwg!

Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol - Llyfrgell Ysgol Oakfield Community

Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol, mewn partneriaeth â Chase Bank, wedi darparu llyfrgell newydd sbon ar gyfer disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Oakfield yn Llaneirwg, Caerdydd.

Cynhadledd WAHWN

Cynhaliodd WAHWN – Rhwydwaith Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd a Lles Cymru – eu cynhadledd fawr gyntaf yn Sefydliad Lysaughts yng Nghasnewydd yn hydref 2023, a chomisiynwyd fi i dynnu llun o’r digwyddiad.

Portreadau: Newport City Radio

Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.

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      .title (string) = National Literacy Trust - Oakfield School Library
      .content (string) =

I was commissioned by the National Literacy Trust to photograph the opening of the brand new library at Oakfield Primary, St Mellons, Cardiff. Partnered with Chase Bank, the Trust has fitted out an old classroom into a brand new library, stuffed full of wonderful books to get the pupils inspired to take joy in the power of reading.

This shoot was right up my street, having grown up the son of teachers in a house stuffed full of books - and then carrying on that tradition with my own home.

Illustrator Jonny Duddle and local poet (and former Children's Laureate for Wales) Connor Allen were invited to the event and both held inspiring workshops for the pupils. The pupils all learned how to draw a dinosaur pirate with Jonny and created their own poems with Connor. My only issue is that I wanted to take part, but was busy shooting.

It was a joy to spend the afternoon with the wonderful pupils and staff of Oakfield Rd. What a great event, and a great new library! 

I turned around a selection of press and social media shots within a couple of hours of the event ending before submitting the rest of the photos the next day.

      .summary (string) =

The National Literacy Trust, partnered with Chase Bank, have provided a brand new library for the pupils at Oakfield Primary School in St Mellons, Cardiff.

      .postdate (string) = 2024-06-27 16:09:00
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Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol, mewn partneriaeth â Chase Bank, wedi darparu llyfrgell newydd sbon ar gyfer disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Oakfield yn Llaneirwg, Caerdydd.

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Mae’r Ymddiriedolaeth Llythrennedd Genedlaethol, mewn partneriaeth â Chase Bank, wedi darparu llyfrgell newydd sbon ar gyfer disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Oakfield yn Llaneirwg, Caerdydd.

      .detail_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/national-literacy-trust-oakfield-school-library
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      .title (string) = WAHWN Conference
      .content (string) =

The conference was WAHWN's first conference since they formed in 2018. We've been working with them ever since on graphic design, marketing and website design. The organisation brings together artists, policy makers, educators, funders, academics, researchers and healthcare workers and this event was very well attended, packing out the main venue hall and 4 breakout rooms.

I spent the day at the conference, shooting event photography with the odd portrait thrown in, meeting and photographing some really interesting people along the way. Here are some of the photos from the event.]

      .summary (string) =

WAHWN - Wales Arts in Health & Wellbeing Network - held their first major conference at the Lysaughts Institute in Newport in Autumn 2023, and commissioned me to photograph the event.

      .postdate (string) = 2024-01-04 15:23:00
      .url (string) = wahwn-conference
      .startdate (string) = 2024-01-04 15:23:00
      .enddate (NULL) =
      .create_date (string) = 2024-01-04 15:31:08
      .modified_date (string) = 2024-01-04 15:31:51
      .file_location (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/cgblog/id27
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         .thumbnail (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = thumbnail
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            .value (string) = WAHWNConference_(22_of_30).jpg
         .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = gallery
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='Event-Photography/WAHWN-Conference'}

         .Title_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Title_CY
            .type (string) = textbox
            .value (string) = Cynhadledd WAHWN
         .Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Summary_CY
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

Cynhaliodd WAHWN – Rhwydwaith Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd a Lles Cymru – eu cynhadledd fawr gyntaf yn Sefydliad Lysaughts yng Nghasnewydd yn hydref 2023, a chomisiynwyd fi i dynnu llun o’r digwyddiad.

      ->fieldsbyname (array) = [
         .thumbnail (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = thumbnail
            .type (string) = image
            .value (string) = WAHWNConference_(22_of_30).jpg
         .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = gallery
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='Event-Photography/WAHWN-Conference'}

         .Title_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Title_CY
            .type (string) = textbox
            .value (string) = Cynhadledd WAHWN
         .Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Summary_CY
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            .value (string) =

Cynhaliodd WAHWN – Rhwydwaith Celfyddydau mewn Iechyd a Lles Cymru – eu cynhadledd fawr gyntaf yn Sefydliad Lysaughts yng Nghasnewydd yn hydref 2023, a chomisiynwyd fi i dynnu llun o’r digwyddiad.

      .detail_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/wahwn-conference
   [2] (object of type: stdClass) = {
      .author (string) = admin
      .id (string) = 26
      .title (string) = Newport City Radio Photoshoot
      .content (string) =

Newport City Radio have been broadcasting in Newport for over ten years and to celebrate they planned a new website (which my company www.webber-design.com helped build). They needed some new photographic portraits of the team, including presenters, producers, journalists and admin staff. The brief was to produce super colourful, vibrant and fun portraits using their brand yellow for the background.

I shot the portraits at the radio station using my portable studio, with a sunflower yellow background, ensuring that all sitters wore bright and bold colours - a couple showed up in less colourful clothing, but I tweaked these in photoshop to achieve the vibrancy that the client wanted. Between us we also provided a box of props to add to the fun.

Lastly, I added a watermarked tiled version of their logo in the background to enhance the brand recognition. Some of the portraits were for specific shows - hence the landscape format. On the website the spaces to the left and right of the sitters is filled with text info on each show.

      .summary (string) =

Newport City Radio were about to launch a new website, so hired me to shoot some vibrant and colourful photographic portraits.

      .postdate (string) = 2024-01-03 12:58:00
      .url (string) = newport-city-radio-photoshoot
      .startdate (string) = 2024-01-03 12:58:00
      .enddate (NULL) =
      .create_date (string) = 2024-01-03 13:09:39
      .modified_date (string) = 2024-01-03 13:09:39
      .file_location (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/cgblog/id26
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            .value (string) = ncrtn.jpg
         .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = gallery
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='People-Photography/Newport-City-Radio'}

         .Title_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Title_CY
            .type (string) = textbox
            .value (string) = Portreadau: Newport City Radio
         .Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = Summary_CY
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.

      ->fieldsbyname (array) = [
         .thumbnail (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = thumbnail
            .type (string) = image
            .value (string) = ncrtn.jpg
         .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
            .name (string) = gallery
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='People-Photography/Newport-City-Radio'}

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            .name (string) = Title_CY
            .type (string) = textbox
            .value (string) = Portreadau: Newport City Radio
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            .name (string) = Summary_CY
            .type (string) = textarea
            .value (string) =

Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.

      .detail_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/newport-city-radio-photoshoot
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$LISEClients_items (array) = [
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   .id (string) = 26
   .title (string) = Newport City Radio Photoshoot
   .content (string) =

Newport City Radio have been broadcasting in Newport for over ten years and to celebrate they planned a new website (which my company www.webber-design.com helped build). They needed some new photographic portraits of the team, including presenters, producers, journalists and admin staff. The brief was to produce super colourful, vibrant and fun portraits using their brand yellow for the background.

I shot the portraits at the radio station using my portable studio, with a sunflower yellow background, ensuring that all sitters wore bright and bold colours - a couple showed up in less colourful clothing, but I tweaked these in photoshop to achieve the vibrancy that the client wanted. Between us we also provided a box of props to add to the fun.

Lastly, I added a watermarked tiled version of their logo in the background to enhance the brand recognition. Some of the portraits were for specific shows - hence the landscape format. On the website the spaces to the left and right of the sitters is filled with text info on each show.

   .summary (string) =

Newport City Radio were about to launch a new website, so hired me to shoot some vibrant and colourful photographic portraits.

   .postdate (string) = 2024-01-03 12:58:00
   .url (string) = newport-city-radio-photoshoot
   .startdate (string) = 2024-01-03 12:58:00
   .enddate (NULL) =
   .create_date (string) = 2024-01-03 13:09:39
   .modified_date (string) = 2024-01-03 13:09:39
   .file_location (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/cgblog/id26
   ->categories (array) = [
      [0] (array) = [
         .id (string) = 1
         .name (string) = General
   ->categorylist (array) = [
      .0 (string) = 1
   ->fields (array) = [
      .thumbnail (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = thumbnail
         .type (string) = image
         .value (string) = ncrtn.jpg
      .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = gallery
         .type (string) = textarea
         .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='People-Photography/Newport-City-Radio'}

      .Title_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = Title_CY
         .type (string) = textbox
         .value (string) = Portreadau: Newport City Radio
      .Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = Summary_CY
         .type (string) = textarea
         .value (string) =

Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.

   ->fieldsbyname (array) = [
      .thumbnail (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = thumbnail
         .type (string) = image
         .value (string) = ncrtn.jpg
      .gallery (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = gallery
         .type (string) = textarea
         .value (string) =

{Gallery dir='People-Photography/Newport-City-Radio'}

      .Title_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = Title_CY
         .type (string) = textbox
         .value (string) = Portreadau: Newport City Radio
      .Summary_CY (object of type: stdClass) = {
         .name (string) = Summary_CY
         .type (string) = textarea
         .value (string) =

Roedd Radio Dinas Casnewydd ar fin lansio gwefan newydd, felly fe wnaethon nhw fy llogi i saethu rhai portreadau ffotograffig bywiog a lliwgar.

   .detail_url (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/newport-city-radio-photoshoot
$img (string) = https://www.webber-photo.com/uploads/cgblog/id26/ncrtn.jpg
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